November 30, 2005 | Funny Bits

The mighty dick

Tu Jin-Sheng may not have the biggest dick in the world, but he proved he has one of the strongest last week when he used it to pull a truck - not once, but twice - across a Fremont, Ca.,  parking lot.

The 50 year old Qigong Grand Master tied a strip of blue cloth around the base of his dick and balls and tugged to make sure it was on tight. Just to get primed, an assistant kicked him in the crotch before Tu lashed himself to the truck.

Tu is an expert in Iron Crotch, a branch of Qigong with 60,000 followers worldwide. Its practitioners have been known to lift hundreds of pounds with their genitals to increase energy and sexual performance. Tu teaches Iron Crotch and Qigong in Fremont and Cupertino.

Don't try this at home, boys - at least not without a few lessons from Tu!

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