January 4, 2012 | Sex & Society

Republicans for gay-marriage rights

It is easy to forget that not all Republicans are homophobes, any more than all Democrats are pro-gay.

A new GOP group has been formed in Colorado, called Republicans for Freedom. It is arguing that civil unions should be supported because they reflect conservative values.

“In my mind, there’s nothing inconsistent with being a Republican and supporting the rights of gay people to live as they choose," former state representative Rob Witwer said. “I would like gay people who believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility to know they still have a home in the Republican Party.”

"The point is not to create conflict within the Republican Party," group spokesman Mario Nicolais said. "It's to provide resources to people interested in the conservative argument for civil unions."

Legislation that would have established civil unions for Colorado gay couples died in a House committee last year, where Democrats voted for it and Republicans against it. However, a similar bill will be introduced in the upcoming session.

Gay marriage, however, is not being considered as voters made it unconstitutional in 2006.

Colorado GOP group organizes support for civil unions ... [Denver Post]

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