July 30, 2007 | Hotties

Cutest man in women's clothing... ever!

BG Exclusive interview!
Meet Jamie Stroud, your atypical 19-year-old boy-next-door. He has developed a bit of a cult following based on his gymnastic routines on YouTube, and his scattered autobiography. If ADHD had a poster child, Jamie would be it. He's fascinating on so many levels -- cute and well built, funny if a little offbeat, and somewhat random in his approach to life -- but with all the attention he has been receiving, we thought we'd try to get him to answer a few questions.

Though not gay, he is proudly sexual. His comfort with his own skin could border on obsession, and if self-stalking were a crime, we think he'd be guilty. We're not sure where the cyber-Jamie ends, and the real Jamie begins, but check out our interview with him and see what you think.

Besides, any man who can make female panties look hot has our undivided attention. Victoria's Secret should seriously consider a new model!


BananaGuide: Your site has a note about no further updates for the time being. Any hints about what you're up to?
Jamie: Yeah, I didn't care to go into anything too indepth on the front page. Besides, the whole story will be put into my (online) autobiography when I update for the year. I'll just give a summary though. Basically, I'm living in a homeless shelter now, and I know that must sound bad, but actually I'm very content here and I am happy! I just wanted to leave home, so I'm in Hollywood now and I like it very much here. I've now gotten a job as a gymnastics coach which is a job I actually enjoy and also I'm now training with some people from Cirque Du Soleil and I'm picking up a bunch of new skills! There's a lot more going on for me in Hollywood! So anyway, that's why I can't update with new content because I don't have any programs on the computers I use (usually at the library) and I don't have any of my technologies like a camcorder right now.
What brings you online? What were you hoping to accomplish with your site and MySpace page?
With my site, I'm mostly hoping to help people think more openly about life, I know some people just come to get their rocks off which I also think is awesome, but I think there's a lot to learn from my site as well. So yeah, I'd like to help people question their views on life, and also have some fun along the way! As for my MySpace page I mostly just like people to leave me sexually explicit comments ahaha!
Where are you hoping to take your growing popularity?
Wherever my heart leads me!

There are some interesting pics with you in woman's clothing. What's that all about?
It's fun! I like wearing girl clothes, it makes me feel more sexual. Not all kinds of girl clothes, thongs don't fit comfortably probably because I have a wiener, but I like wearing skirts and girl underwear and cute girl shirts and stuff like that. Go girl power!
Many gay men have discovered you, your YouTube clips, your site... how do you feel about that?
It's cool. Of course, I'm more interested in girls, but I am happy if anyone enjoys my site and I think it's lovely if people find me attractive or even masturbate to me!
Any gay experiences in your past? Your future? Such as...?
Not really, the most gay experience is just like getting naked in front of other guys and maybe playing with my wiener in front of them but that's about it. Oh, and sometimes I've been groped by guys ...like they grab my glutes or (my) wiener. I'm really not sure what might happen with me in the future!

Why do you think you like sex so much?
I might have somewhat of a predisposition to be extra sexual, but also I probably have a predisposition to be obsessive and so I think sexuality has become quite an obsession with me. But really, does anyone even need a reason to like sex!?
Any embarrassing sexual moments you'd care to divulge?

Not really. I've been walked in on while I was masturbating on a few occasions lately but I'm not really embarrassed by it. I was actually masturbating in the library a few times, and it's pretty crowded, I'm surprised I didn't get caught because I was really going at it one of the times (I've done it 7 times so far in the library). I decided I was getting too risky so I'm trying to cut down on doing that!

Anything you regret posting? 

Not really. I think it's all wonderful in its own unique way.
What do you think America needs to becoming a more sexually healthy, mature country?

Probably knowledge. Ignoring sexual issues does not make them go away. I think sexual issues need to be confronted not just repressed, because repression can just contribute to more sexual problems since they are never dealt with. I think affairs, rape, molestation, and all that sort could be decreased if sexuality could be talked about more openly.

And last, but not least, can you share with us your favorite masturbation technique?
Well, I like variation, but generally my most pleasurable session would be where my legs are straddled and folded under my knees and I like to have one hand stroke my wiener while another will rotate between playing with my gonads, penetrating anally, and playing with my nipples!

Additional thoughts from Mr. Stroud. On gay parenting: 

Homosexuals having sex with each other didn't bother me, but I worried about homosexuals raising children. I wondered if it could negatively impact the children's development. I wondered if the child would also be at a higher risk of becoming homosexual as well. Apparently, children turn out just fine! They don't have a higher risk of becoming homosexual, or bisexual either. There are many factors that are much worse in the development of children that many heterosexual couples do.

And how he discovered his exhibitionist streak: 

I got naked at a party and it was pretty fun! This guy had a party and me and my friends weren't supposed to go to it but we did anyways. I snuck into the backyard and opened the back door then went into the party and did the helicopter with my wiener, but I think only a few guys saw me do it. But then the party-thrower started talking to us in the front yard and he was mad that we snuck into the party. As my friends were being lectured, I slyly snuck back and went into the party again. I just did a quick run through and went back into the front yard and told the party thrower "Sorry, but I just left my virginity back in there and I had to go get it."

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